From 2017–18, 740,000 people in urban areas were provided with access to regular solid waste collection and 134,784 tons of waste was collected.
From 2012–18, 5,843 hectares of smallholder tree crop farms were rehabilitated or planted: new planting accounted for 530 hectares, 1,214 hectares were replanted, and 4,189 hectares were rehabilitated. Access to technologies and markets were enhanced and a long-term development program for the tree crops sector was created.
1.9 million people received essential health, nutrition, and population services in 2017, up from 1.3 million in 2013.
From 2013–18, 17,200 people were provided with access to electricity by household connections. 45 kilometers of transmission lines and 50 kilometers of distribution lines were constructed or rehabilitated.
From 2015–18, 7,224 benefited from safety net programs; 3,612 rural youths completed life skills training, and 105,360 days of public works were generated. During the same period, 786 youths were recruited from 10 urban communities in Montserrado county and were provided with entrepreneurship training and start-up grants to initiate or expand household enterprises. 100% of the targeted urban youths have developed business plans during entrepreneurship training.
Key Achievements

Life expectancy at birth, total (years)
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Key Achievements
From 2017–18, 740,000 people in urban areas were provided with access to regular solid waste collection and 134,784 tons of waste was collected.
From 2012–18, 5,843 hectares of smallholder tree crop farms were rehabilitated or planted: new planting accounted for 530 hectares, 1,214 hectares were replanted, and 4,189 hectares were rehabilitated. Access to technologies and markets were enhanced and a long-term development program for the tree crops sector was created.
1.9 million people received essential health, nutrition, and population services in 2017, up from 1.3 million in 2013.
From 2013–18, 17,200 people were provided with access to electricity by household connections. 45 kilometers of transmission lines and 50 kilometers of distribution lines were constructed or rehabilitated.
From 2015–18, 7,224 benefited from safety net programs; 3,612 rural youths completed life skills training, and 105,360 days of public works were generated. During the same period, 786 youths were recruited from 10 urban communities in Montserrado county and were provided with entrepreneurship training and start-up grants to initiate or expand household enterprises. 100% of the targeted urban youths have developed business plans during entrepreneurship training.