From 2014–18, 496 private veterinarians received 7,885 days of training. 70% of farmers were satisfied with the quality of services provided by the private veterinarians.
From 2013–18, 506,089 hectares of land were provided with irrigation and drainage services, benefiting 2.8 million people.
In 2017, 1,698 villages were provided with improved social and economic infrastructure, up from 1,000 in 2007.
The Ala Too Bulagy (national rural water and sanitation) program introduced metered household water connections with 24-hour supply that were managed by local service providers. In 2018, 2,000 people in a village received running water.
From 2016–18, 38,000 smart electricity meters were installed to accurately read electricity usage and reduce network losses. Three distribution substations improved the quality of electricity supply in Bishkek. 217,000 customers have benefited from the investments made under the electricity supply and reliability improvement project.
From 2008–14, 430,000 hectares of pasture were improved through the community investment in bridges, tracks, and watering points. Reforms in pasture management were supported with the establishment of 454 pasture users unions.
In 2018, 680,000 people benefited from improved or rehabilitated roads, cross-border trade with Tajikistan, and new job opportunities in Batken Oblast. Two weigh-in-motion systems were introduced along major international corridors that addressed vehicle overloading, prevented damage to roads, and improved traffic safety.
Key Achievements

Life expectancy at birth, total (years)
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Key Achievements
From 2014–18, 496 private veterinarians received 7,885 days of training. 70% of farmers were satisfied with the quality of services provided by the private veterinarians.
From 2013–18, 506,089 hectares of land were provided with irrigation and drainage services, benefiting 2.8 million people.
In 2017, 1,698 villages were provided with improved social and economic infrastructure, up from 1,000 in 2007.
The Ala Too Bulagy (national rural water and sanitation) program introduced metered household water connections with 24-hour supply that were managed by local service providers. In 2018, 2,000 people in a village received running water.
From 2016–18, 38,000 smart electricity meters were installed to accurately read electricity usage and reduce network losses. Three distribution substations improved the quality of electricity supply in Bishkek. 217,000 customers have benefited from the investments made under the electricity supply and reliability improvement project.
From 2008–14, 430,000 hectares of pasture were improved through the community investment in bridges, tracks, and watering points. Reforms in pasture management were supported with the establishment of 454 pasture users unions.
In 2018, 680,000 people benefited from improved or rehabilitated roads, cross-border trade with Tajikistan, and new job opportunities in Batken Oblast. Two weigh-in-motion systems were introduced along major international corridors that addressed vehicle overloading, prevented damage to roads, and improved traffic safety.