- From 2014–18, 19,790 underemployed youths were trained in employment skills and/or employment opportunities were provided to underemployed youth, of whom 51.4% were women. 2,991 youths received a Certificat de Qualification Professionnelle for mastery of trade skills. 14,342 youths satisfactorily completed small business and life skills training, and 1,069 master artisans received skills upgrades.
- From 2013–18, 91.6% of children aged under two benefited from a package of monthly growth promotion activities. 28,343 women with children under age five children were trained in the production of nutritious foods. During the same period, 13.4 million people in Benin received essential health, nutrition, and population services.
Key Achievements

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Key Achievements
Key Achievements
- From 2014–18, 19,790 underemployed youths were trained in employment skills and/or employment opportunities were provided to underemployed youth, of whom 51.4% were women. 2,991 youths received a Certificat de Qualification Professionnelle for mastery of trade skills. 14,342 youths satisfactorily completed small business and life skills training, and 1,069 master artisans received skills upgrades.
- From 2013–18, 91.6% of children aged under two benefited from a package of monthly growth promotion activities. 28,343 women with children under age five children were trained in the production of nutritious foods. During the same period, 13.4 million people in Benin received essential health, nutrition, and population services.